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Shrine, by definition, is dedicated to the ancient ancestral tablets! However, there is a very special shrine, shrine and tombstones nike air max is mixed as one. That shrine is covered in graves on top! This ancestral tombs and graves built together ways to bury the dead man caused a lot of trouble! Because burial pit itself is not too small a project, if the gravedigger pit, have to be careful not to damage the pressure at the top of the shrine it is simply more difficult. Now this ancestral worship idols, and is based on the construction of this shrine style made!

Buried in the shrine below, those who have been killed femininity baby! You say that those who have been killed...... uh...... femininity baby it? Finally turned into a skin? Zhao Gang while listening to the old men explained she laments, the village people do not really exhausted fairy attractiveness ah! Zhao Gang asked: Now the old woman occupied the graves of these children, hiding inside? air max 90 The old man advised: Young man, do not go now nike air max 1 nike air max 90 advised...... or so tomorrow night here during the day to say it...... atrocious! Zhao Gangshun the stairs to go down the stairs at the end is an arch-dong!

Arches inside the space is not very high,nike air max 90, but very large, close to the wall with two emissions come with about 20-30 small coffin! And straight into arches, that is, the door came Zhao Gang, is another channel! Zhao Gang continue to drive climbing, to the channel mouth piece, found at the end of the channel is a small room, the ground than parked coffin tomb is much lower, so that pieces of the house, although not as wide, but into the future can almost stand up! Another point, Zhao Gang found this room and that room in front of the tomb with different built very rough, gang obviously not built!


