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The previous chi straightener ideas for others, like things Shunliu it, but one to himself, on the gratuitous tension far CHI the last to leave, give yourself a business card, but that one will meet again But that feeling is if necessary, CHI is immediately appear.

Look in the mirror, do not willingly planted here the chi hair straightener or come up with a telephone, dial out, a little uneasy, although self-designate, obviously know, but he pretended to not know who.The phone rang, CHI just about the phone ah out, I heard over a boy's voice: "Hey, CHI do? Lei Peng? Is that you?"

Amount "chi products originally thought that he did not give him a call, he does not know, or he would not answer the phone, so suddenly picked up, and also directly call out her name, seems to have been waiting for his phone as CHI somewhat flattered, do not know how to say.

