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Your support, so I am very touched, thank you. No, a good performance on the line! Young, well do it! Jia, you awesome, I love you! This time, the audience heard the sound of some of the audience. These sounds, there are encouraging, there are commendable, there are fans cry, which was haphazard. And yet is so sincere. Look out, they are very supportive Zhang Yu of the play is also very like it. Well, wait ugg boots australia ten minutes, let ugg prepare, then continue start, okay?

He was greeted by an enthusiastic response to sound, OK! Then, Zhang Yu returned to the backstage, facing her daughters said: Well, let's begin ugg boots sale continue performing. Here, let me give ugg Bubu makeup. So saying, he began to fill up one by one to give her daughters the makeup, styling and Bangzhong female finishing up, the whole process explicit so positive. Just like Zhang Yu, touches her daughters some little habits. At this time of them, looked at each other, feel Zhang Yu is not the same with the usual performance, it seems somewhat different.

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