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More worrying is that this acrimony is not only a direct result of foreign governments, foreign consumers of ghd hair straightener products do not trust, and then issued a series of barriers to trade restrictions on GHD merchandise exports, the international giant also took the opportunity to have the influx of domestic market, which is really fighting to hurt their own people, cheap to foreigners...

The ghd outlet suffered censure the door, GHD industry and even the whole Chinese industry again warned: fuss saliva war opponents to death, while also distorts the industry forward on the right track, and the ultimate victims are consumers, enterprises themselves, China's economy. China's economic development, technological innovation, the establishment of harmonious competition in the enterprise, symbiotic win-win basis.

Recently, ghd australia market research firm released the latest statistics of the GHD market, ranked by sales of electrical GHD Top Ten selling model, GHD swept the first eight. Particularly surprising is that the GHD like energy-saving GHD, was listed in May this year in just two months to stand out in a wide range of products, accounting for one of four seats.


